Abira Ya Holi Taanchayala Lyase
Abira Changu Khwa Hissi Dekabi

(Let me smear some vermilion powder on your face girl and don’t get angry as it is holi.
Vermilion powder will make you face beautiful. )

Among many songs of Holi the above mentioned song is one of the popular Newari songs signifying the festival Holi. Holi also known as the festival of colors occurs every year in Nepal. The Hilly part of the country celebrated Holi on March 20 and the people from Terai celebrated it on March 21 this year. According to Hindu mythical stories it is the celebration of good over evil and it also denotes the beginning of spring season. Moreover, Holi is also the festival that celebrates love and fertility.

It is believed that Hindu demon named Holika (the festival title of ‘Holi’ is driven from her name), and her defeat when she tried to destroy her own nephew with fire. Then there is the tale of the blue-skinned Lord Krishna and Radha where this is the day when he declared his love for Radha. He smeared their love by painting her face blue showing their likeliness. That’s why this festival is both a signifier of the triumph of good over evil and the blossoming love between soul mates.

The celebration of festival differs according to the regions in Nepal. In Kathmandu, there is a unique way of ending the festival where Chir, an umbrella like bamboo pole is pulled on an auspicious time at night toward Tundinkhel. Then this is burnt forming a bonfire. Moreover, as the fire keep burning a local demon named Guru Mapaa is given a feast of rice, meat and other delicacies. It is believed that this helps to ward off his evil eyes on the children in Kathmandu.

And Holi is also a day to relax and enjoy time with friends and family.


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